Visitors by Number of Visits Help Help Card

This page shows the distribution of visitors based on how many times each visitor visited your site.

Visitors by Number of Visits
Number of Visits
Number of Visitors
% of Total Unique Visitors
 1 visit 679 71.92%
 2 visits 138 14.61%
 3 visits 45 4.76%
 4 visits 29 3.07%
 5 visits 25 2.64%
 6 visits 9 0.95%
 7 visits 5 0.52%
 8 visits 3 0.31%
 9 visits 1 0.10%
10 or more visits  10  1.05%

Visitors by Number of Visits - Help Card Start of Chapter

Number of Visitors - Number of unique individuals who came to your site the amount of times specified in the Number of Visits column.

Number of Visits - The number of visits, beginning with one and increasing by increments of one, being analyzed in the other columns.

% of Total Unique Visitors - Percentage of unique visitors who came to your site the amount of times specified in the Number of Visits column.

This information can indicate whether or not your site compels visitors to return. Updating Web site content is one way to draw return visitors.

 North American States and Provinces Help Help Card

This page identifies the North American states and provinces with your most active visitors.

North American States & Provinces
Visits Sorted by this column
1 Michigan 604
2 Illinois 457
3 California 136
4 New Jersey 88
5 West Virginia 49
6 New York 25
7 Georgia 18
8 Virginia 17
9 North Carolina 15
10 Colorado 11
11 Ohio 10
12 Florida 10
13 Pennsylvania 9
14 Wisconsin 7
15 Texas 7
16 Massachusetts 5
17 D.C. 4
18 Rhode Island 4
19 Washington 3
20 Vermont 3
Total for the States above 1,482

North American States and Provinces - Help Card Start of Chapter

State - A U. S. state or Canadian province. If GeoTrends is turned on for this profile, the location is determined by looking up the visitor's IP address in this database.

Visits - Number of visits from the specified state or province. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

This information can help you meet the needs of your target audience as well as discover new audiences. Consider how you can make the content comprehensive and relevant to an international audience.

 Most Active Cities Help Help Card

This page identifies the cities with your most active visitors.

Most Active Cities
City, State, Country
Visits Sorted by this column
1 Schaumburg, Illinois, United States 323
2 Detroit, Michigan, United States 159
3 Chicago, Illinois, United States 132
4 Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States 116
5 San Jose, California, United States 91
6 Middletown, New Jersey, United States 87
7 Newaygo, Michigan, United States 83
8 Morgantown, West Virginia, United States 47
9 Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States 28
10 San Mateo, California, United States 25
11 New York, New York, United States 21
12 Holland, Michigan, United States 20
13 Muskegon, Michigan, United States 18
14 Atlanta, Georgia, United States 18
15 Grand Haven, Michigan, United States 17
16 Shelby, Michigan, United States 16
17 Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States 14
18 East Lansing, Michigan, United States 11
19 Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States 11
20 Vicksburg, Michigan, United States 11
Total for the Cities above 1,248

Most Active Cities - Help Card Start of Chapter

City, State, Country - If GeoTrends is turned on for this profile, the location is determined by looking up the visitor's IP address in this database.

Visits - Number of visits from the specified city. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted. The default idle-time limit is thirty minutes.

This information can help you meet the needs of your target audience as well as discover new audiences. Consider how you can make the content comprehensive and relevant to an international audience.

[NetIQ Corporation]

This report was generated by Log Analyzer v7.0c (Build 1467)

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