Top Pages Help Help Card

This page identifies the most popular Web pages on your site, shows you how often they were viewed, and displays the average length of time the page was viewed.

Top Pages
% of Total Views
Visits Sorted by this column
Avg. Time Viewed
1 Newaygo Co Federal & State Offices Election Results results/mi/N62results/ N6200101sum.htm
2,032 26.97% 1,085
2 Newaygo Co County Offices Election Results results/mi/N62results/ N6200102sum.htm
1,039 13.79% 483
3 Newaygo Co Judicial Offices Election Results results/mi/N62results/ N6200104sum.htm
1,044 13.85% 393
4 Judge Of The Circuit Court Incmbt 27th Circuit Details results/mi/N62results/ N6200104028.htm
1,411 18.73% 194
5 Newaygo Co Township Offices Election Results results/mi/N62results/ N6200103sum.htm
220 2.92% 180
6 Newaygo Co State & Local Proposals Election Results results/mi/N62results/ N6200105sum.htm
195 2.58% 151
7 results/mi/N62results/ N6200101000.htm 125 1.65% 82
8 results/mi/N62results/ N6200101005.htm 565 7.50% 71
9 results/mi/N62results/ N6200101006.htm 93 1.23% 56
10 results/mi/N62results/ N6200102012.htm 82 1.08% 56
11 Newaygo Co Federal & State Offices Election Results results/mi/N62tmplt/zeros/ N6200101sum.htm
75 0.99% 49
12 results/mi/N62results/ N6200102015.htm 52 0.69% 42
13 Attorney General Details results/mi/N62results/ N6200101002.htm
43 0.57% 39
14 results/mi/N62results/ N6200102011.htm 44 0.58% 29
15 Proposals results/mi/N62results/ proptext.htm
21 0.27% 21
16 Newaygo Co Judicial Offices Election Results results/mi/N62tmplt/zeros/ N6200104sum.htm
57 0.75% 20
17 results/mi/N62results/ N6200102014.htm 32 0.42% 19
18 Newaygo Co County Offices Election Results results/mi/N62tmplt/zeros/ N6200102sum.htm
30 0.39% 17
19 results/mi/N62results/ N6200101001.htm 17 0.22% 16
20 results/mi/N62results/ N6200102016.htm 17 0.22% 16
Subtotal For the Page Views Above 7,194 95.49% N/A
Total For the Log File 7,533 100% N/A

Top Pages - Help Card Start of Chapter

Average Time Viewed - Average length of time the specified page was viewed.

Pages - Specific page being analyzed. If the page has a formal title, you will see the title of the page and the URL. Otherwise, you will only see the URL.

Subtotal - Sum of all data rows for each listed page.

Total - Sum of the subtotal and all data that does not appear on the page.

Views - Number of times the specified page was viewed by a visitor. Each page can be viewed more than once by the same visitor, and each view is counted. If you want to ignore repeated page views by the same visitor, look in the Visits column.

Visits - Number of visits that include a view of the specified page. Individual visitors are counted each time they come to the Web site, and are counted only once per visit no matter how many pages they look at. If a visitor is idle longer than the idle-time limit, WebTrends assumes the visit was voluntarily terminated. If the visitor continues to browse your site after they reach the idle-time limit, a new visit is counted.

% - Percentage of visitors who viewed the specified page.

Pages with good content and design are more likely to attract visitors and be revisited. Less popular pages on a site can be made more appealing by improving the content or incorporating design elements similar to that on the more important pages. Always remember that people are far more interested in content than in design, and average view times can help determine which content is most important to your visitors.

[NetIQ Corporation]

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