Summary of Activity for Report Period

This section outlines general server activity, comparing the level of activity on weekdays and weekends. The Average Number of Visitors and Hits on Weekdays are the averages for each individual week day. The Average Number of Visitors and Hits for Weekends groups Saturday and Sunday together. Values in the table do not include erred hits.

Summary of Activity for Report Period
Average Number of Visitors per day on Weekdays 95
Average Number of Hits per day on Weekdays 1,999
Average Number of Visitors for the entire Weekend 4
Average Number of Hits for the entire Weekend 52
Most Active Day of the Week Tue
Least Active Day of the Week Sun
Most Active Day Ever August 08, 2000
Number of Hits on Most Active Day 13,226
Least Active Day Ever July 30, 2000
Number of Hits on Least Active Day 12
Most Active Hour of the Day 22:00-22:59
Least Active Hour of the Day 04:00-04:59

Summary of Activity for Report Period - Help Card Start of Chapter

 This section outlines general server activity, comparing the level of activity on weekdays and weekends. The Average Number of Visitors and Hits on Weekdays are the averages for each individual weekday. The Average Number of Visitors and Hits for Weekends groups Saturday and Sunday together. Values in the table do not include erred hits.

 This table is useful for determining the best day of the week to perform system maintenance. You can determine least popular and most popular use trends for development of the site.

 Summary of Activity by Time Increment

This section helps you understand the bandwidth requirements of the site by indicating the volume of activity in kilobytes transferred. The table provides various measures of activity by unit of time for the report period (the unit of time depends on the amount of time covered by the report, and will be the day in most cases).

Activity by Time Increment (Bandwidth)

Summary of Activity by Time Increment
Time Interval
Page Views
KBytes Transferred
Visitor Sessions
12 1 0 K 1
12 1 0 K 1
0 0 0 K 0
26 4 150 K 3
133 23 761 K 6
52 8 300 K 4
0 0 0 K 0
34 12 658 K 2
231 41 1,540 K 18
13,226 2,068 61,182 K 423
3,665 934 36,705 K 328
343 115 3,286 K 45
305 61 2,055 K 27
59 9 340 K 5
Total 18,098 3,277 106,977 K 863

Summary of Activity by Time Increment - Help Card Start of Chapter

 This section helps you understand the bandwidth requirements of the site by indicating the volume of activity in kilobytes transferred. The table provides various measures of activity by unit of time for the report period (the unit of time depends on the amount of time covered by the report, and will be the day in most cases).

 Periods of less activity should be considered for maintenance and content improvement.

 Activity Level by Day of the Week

This section shows the activity for each day of the week for the report period (i.e. if there are two Mondays in the report period, the value presented is the sum of all hits for both Mondays.) Values in the table do not include erred hits.

Activity Level By Day of the Week

Activity Level by Day of the Week
% of Total Hits
Visitor Sessions
Sun 46 0.25% 3
Mon 243 1.34% 19
Tue 13,226 73.07% 423
Wed 3,691 20.39% 331
Thu 476 2.63% 51
Fri 357 1.97% 31
Sat 59 0.32% 5
Total Weekdays 17,993 99.41% 855
Total Weekend 105 0.58% 8

Activity Level by Day of the Week - Help Card Start of Chapter

 This section shows the activity for each day of the week for the report period (i.e. if there are two Mondays in the report period, the value presented is the sum of all hits for both Mondays.) The table lists the number of hits, percentage of total hits and visitor sessions for each day of the week for the report period. Values in this table do not include erred hits.
Tip: Consider the Day of Week Filter to include or exclude activity based on the day of the week.

 Days of less activity should be considered for maintenance and content improvement.

 Activity Level by Hour of the Day

This section shows the most and the least active hour of the day for the report period. The second table breaks down activity for the given report period to show the average activity for each individual hour of the day (if there are several days in the report period, the value presented is the sum of all hits during that period of time for all days). All times are referenced to the location of the system running the analysis.

Activity Level By Hour of the Day

Activity Level by Hours Details
# of Hits
% of Total Hits
# of Visitor Sessions
00:00 - 00:59
474 2.61% 39
01:00 - 01:59
123 0.67% 16
02:00 - 02:59
105 0.58% 7
03:00 - 03:59
86 0.47% 5
04:00 - 04:59
50 0.27% 7
05:00 - 05:59
214 1.18% 23
06:00 - 06:59
267 1.47% 24
07:00 - 07:59
350 1.93% 33
08:00 - 08:59
674 3.72% 54
09:00 - 09:59
488 2.69% 42
10:00 - 10:59
456 2.51% 43
11:00 - 11:59
216 1.19% 18
12:00 - 12:59
269 1.48% 28
13:00 - 13:59
303 1.67% 14
14:00 - 14:59
370 2.04% 45
15:00 - 15:59
334 1.84% 33
16:00 - 16:59
247 1.36% 15
17:00 - 17:59
390 2.15% 16
18:00 - 18:59
153 0.84% 20
19:00 - 19:59
234 1.29% 31
20:00 - 20:59
1,162 6.42% 78
21:00 - 21:59
3,349 18.5% 109
22:00 - 22:59
4,971 27.46% 86
23:00 - 23:59
2,813 15.54% 77
Total Visitors during Work Hours (8:00am-5:00pm) 3,357 18.54% 292
Total Visitors during After Hours (5:01pm-7:59am) 14,741 81.45% 571

Activity Level by Hour of the Day - Help Card Start of Chapter

 This section shows the most and the least active hour of the day for the report period. The second table breaks down activity for the given report period to show the average activity for each individual hour of the day (if there are several days in the report period, the value presented is the sum of all hits during that period of time for all days). All times are referenced to the location of the system running the analysis. The table lists the percentage of total hits and visitor sessions, as well as the totals for work hours (8:00am - 5:00pm) and after hours (5:01pm - 7:59am).
Tip: Consider the Hour of Day Filter to include or exclude activity based on the time of day.

 This information is useful in determining what hour of the day is best for system maintenance.

 Activity Level by Length of Visit

This section shows the number and percentages of visits and page views over selected visit lengths.

Activity Level By Visit Length

Activity Level by Length of Visit
Visit Duration (Minutes)
Page Views
% of Total Visits
% of Total Views
0-1 506 593 58.63% 18.09%
1-2 69 203 7.99% 6.19%
2-3 42 166 4.86% 5.06%
3-4 27 111 3.12% 3.38%
4-5 28 124 3.24% 3.78%
5-6 20 92 2.31% 2.8%
6-7 15 74 1.73% 2.25%
7-8 12 53 1.39% 1.61%
8-9 8 32 0.92% 0.97%
9-10 8 36 0.92% 1.09%
10-11 6 35 0.69% 1.06%
11-12 7 39 0.81% 1.19%
12-13 5 23 0.57% 0.7%
13-14 4 14 0.46% 0.42%
14-15 10 73 1.15% 2.22%
15-16 7 56 0.81% 1.7%
16-17 1 2 0.11% 0.06%
17-18 4 17 0.46% 0.51%
18-19 1 2 0.11% 0.06%
> 19 83 1,532 9.61% 46.75%
Totals 863 3,277 100% 100%

Activity Level by Length of Visit - Help Card Start of Chapter

  This section groups visitor sessions based on the their duration. For each grouping, the total number of visitors, and the total number of pages viewed is calculated. The accumulated totals for all of the visit duration groupings is shown at the bottom of the table.

  This information is useful for determining how long visitors look at your web site.

 Number of Views per Visitor Session

This section shows the number and percentages of visits and page views versus the number of pages viewed.

Number of Views per Visitor Session

Number of Pages Viewed per Visit
Number of Pages Viewed
Number of Visits
% of Total Visits
1 page 228 30.68%
2 pages 181 24.36%
3 pages 98 13.18%
4 pages 82 11.03%
5 pages 49 6.59%
6 pages 32 4.3%
7 pages 10 1.34%
8 pages 15 2.01%
9 pages 7 0.94%
10 pages 3 0.4%
11 pages 4 0.53%
12 or more pages 34 0.26%
Totals 743 100%

Number of Views per Visitor Session - Help Card Start of Chapter

  This section shows you how many visitors viewed one page, how many viewed 2 pages, ect.

  You can quickly see how many visitors look at just one page or more than one page. If most visitors are only viewing one page, it may be an indication that the page where they entered didn't effectively guide them to the content they needed.

 Visitor Session Statistics

This section shows how many visitors viewed your web site and how long they stayed. The information is split up into time slices based on the duration of the log file.

Visitor Session Statistics

Visitor Session Statistics
Time Frame
Unique Visitors
First-Time Visitors
Average Visit Length
07/30 1 1 0 0 0
07/31 1 1 0 0 0
08/01 0 0 0 0 0
08/02 3 2 0 00:00:01 0
08/03 6 6 0 00:04:22 26
08/04 4 4 0 00:00:34 2
08/05 0 0 0 0 0
08/06 2 2 0 00:04:32 9
08/07 18 18 0 00:00:43 12
08/08 420 315 0 00:10:38 4,466
08/09 337 251 0 00:05:30 1,857
08/10 46 30 0 00:13:42 630
08/11 27 15 0 00:05:52 158
08/12 5 4 0 00:01:34 7
Averages NA NA NA 00:03:23 512
Totals NA NA NA 00:47:28 7,172

Visitor Session Statistics - Help Card Start of Chapter

  This section shows you a break down of visitor sessions for the reporting period. Visitors, Unique Visitors, and First-Time Visitors track the total number of visitors who came to your site, the number of visitors with duplicates ignored, and the total of new visitors to your site respectivly. The Visitor-Minutes column displays the total number of minutes visitors were viewing your site during the time interval. It is a measure of the total exposure your site is receiving. The Average Visit Length column displays the average amount of time each visitor viewed your site during this time interval.

  You can use this information to determine which time intervals had the most traffic.

[Election Magic]

This report was generated by WebTrends.

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