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Date Stage Office District Candidates
2024Feb 27 Republican Primary President of the United States State of Michigan
Donald J. Trump ran (59%) against 7 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
44,567 59.1%
25,960 34.4%
2,609 3.5%
1,283 1.7%
399 0.5%
288 0.4%
214 0.3%
95 0.1%
Total Votes Cast 75,415  
Undervotes 217  
Overvotes 13  
Unresolved Write-In 81  
Total Ballots Cast 75,645  
Registered Voters 513,504  
See Details for this Contest »
2024Feb 27 Democratic Primary President of the United States State of Michigan
Joseph R. Biden Jr. ran (80%) against 4 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
34,776 79.6%
6,011 13.8%
1,578 3.6%
1,299 3.0%
4 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 43,668  
Undervotes 325  
Overvotes 26  
Unresolved Write-In 142  
Total Ballots Cast 44,015  
Registered Voters 513,504  
See Details for this Contest »