Brought to you by Election Magic Michigan August 2004 Primary Election - 8/3/2004

Proposal Text

County Proposal: 911 System Funding Proposal --

Pursuant to the Michigan Emergency Telephone Service Enabling Act (Michigan Public Act 32 of 1986, as amended) and the Michigan Telecommunications Act (Michigan Public Act 179 of 1991, as amended), shall the County of Lenawee be authorized, beginning January 1, 2005, and continuing through December 31, 2006, to assess a monthly surcharge of up to 14% (with all operational surcharges not to exceed $2.52 per month) of the highest monthly flat rate for basic single-party telephone service within the geographic boundaries of Lenawee County, with the revenue thus generated to be distributed exclusively for the financing of equipment, facilities and all other operational costs of the Lenawee County 911 Emergency Telephone Answering and Dispatch System?