Brought to you by Election Magic County and Township Offices - Tuesday, November 05, 2002

DETAILED results for County Commissioner District 3

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% Reg.
Bryan M.
Benjamin A.
TOTAL -- -- 2643 2962
City of Battle Creek #1 354 21.01% 111 221
City of Battle Creek #2 544 40.78% 248 264
City of Battle Creek #5 347 62.98% 186 143
City of Battle Creek #6 1195 58.84% 606 500
City of Battle Creek #8 982 57.33% 528 401
City of Battle Creek #9 442 44.16% 177 228
City of Battle Creek #14 106 15.25% 25 76
City of Battle Creek #15 734 53.00% 258 404
City of Battle Creek #16 612 45.27% 230 334
City of Battle Creek #17 541 33.92% 222 274
City of Battle Creek #18B No Report -- 52 117
    Bryan M.
Benjamin A.

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